Place of Birth
Sushila Dalal was born on 15th June, 1944 as per service records. She is very gentle, honest, and most courteous. She is very peace loving and ever ready to come forward for help. She is very docile in nature and has amazing tolerance power, which is a rare quality. She graduated from F.C. College, Hissar and did M.A. (Sanskrit) from the Punjab University Chandigarh. Initially, after post-graduation, she joined Dev Samaj College for Girls Ferozepur. After that, she worked in BPS College of Education, Khanpur as a lecturer in Sanskrit. Later on, she was directly recruited as a Lecturer in Sanskrit and posted at Government College Hissar. Subsequently, she became Principal and after retirement has settled at Hissar.
She was indeed a real main support to her parents. She particularly looked after her mother during her last stage of life. Her husband and all children particularly younger daughter Gullu always helped her nani in her domestic work from time to time and gave her a good company.
Sushila is married to Prof R.S. Balhara, who is from a well-known family of Balharas from village Bahu Akbarpur. The couple has three children. The eldest is daughter Manisha was very intelligent, who is a doctor in Medicine and presently working in US and settled there. Her husband is also a Cardiologist. The second child, Sanjeev is very brilliant and an engineer by profession. He graduated in Engineering and did Financial Management from renowned institution, IIM, Calcutta. He further did MBA from an international level institution namely Wharton School (USA). He is presently working and staying in USA. The youngest child Bharti is ever smiling child who did her MD from USA is also working there as a doctor and settled there. She very well looked after her nani in her old age and even before was a good company.
Sushila Dalal